Hello! I'm Peter D (he/him), known online as PalladiumTurtle.

I'm an engineer in the USA who's been playing tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) since 2010. I love to DM/GM and make homebrew content, some of which I feature on this website! If you have a question about the content featured here, send an email to contact@palladiumturtle.com, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

Tal S (she/her) is my partner on the Prismatic Dragons and made the artwork used on this website (with the exception of the PalladiumTurtle logo/avatar, which I made).

The Scholar

A new Artificer Specialist for D&D 5e

Whether they’re an expert in archaeology, zoology, or something else entirely, Scholars are researchers that use their magic as a tool to enhance their studies. Scholars can read any spell and can craft a set of spectacles which enable them to see with incredible precision. With impressive utility and flexibility, a Scholar is a valuable asset to any adventuring team.

The Prismatic Dragons

A new family of dragons for D&D 5e

Inspired by the prismatic wall spell, the prismatic dragons come in seven main colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (ROYGBIV). Though the prismatic dragons are solid creatures with muscle and bone, they are created from light—a fact reflected in their unique abilities. Discover the magic and majesty of the prismatic dragons!

Preview their stat blocks (and customize your own) by using the Prismatic Dragon Generator.